On Fri, 28 Dec 2001 23:57:34 +0200, Costas Papadopoulos [CP] wrote
these comments:
CP> This is my second question of the day. I hope there is no limit
CP> imposed on the number of questions per day!

Ask all you like, as long as you don't ask the same thing over and
over again. :-)

CP> I am regularly sending messages to a group of friends. I want to
CP> include cookies in my messages to them, but I would prefer to have
CP> them all receive the same r a n d o m l y selected cookie instead of
CP> each one receing a different cookie. Is this possible?

Oh, absolutely.

Create an address book group for your friends. Right click the address
book group icon and create templates for the group in the properties.
After doing that, if you create a message to the group, then each will
get a copy of the message created using the same template.

  /____, \              ©Allie C Martin                          
 {_____}`{}     List Moderator and fellow end user               
(/ . . \)          TB! v1.54 Beta/19 & WinXP Home                  
{`-=^=-`}                        -                               
{   `   }   PGPKey: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=PGPPubKey1
 {     }                                                         

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