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Hi Adrian,

On 29 January 2002 at 23:01:25 -0300 (which was 02:01 where I live)
Adrian Arenah wrote in msgid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

>   żThe Bat, haven't got Proxy Settings? I'm behind a proxy.. so I can't use
>   The Bat :(

How is your proxy set up? Mine has no login and I have access to it to
map ports. I've mapped the POP3 and SMTP ports to 6110/6025 for one
ISP and 8110/8025 respectively for another. I've set these as the
access ports in TB and it works seamlessly and perfectly through the
proxy server.

If your Proxy requires a user login then that would kill that method.
Also, if you can't specify mapped TCP ports you can't do it either.

Another idea is that you can use a local mail server on the LAN server
which runs the Proxy service. If the server software is one that can
collect end user mail from ISP sources and put it into local
mailboxes, then that works even better. Added to that, it gives you
internal email facilities and solid outbound SMTP control. But that
may all be a step too far <g>.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
\ BrainStorm -  Brain power   - www: http://www.brainstormsw.com  /
 \ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0     | www: http://www.silverstones.com /
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