Hi Tia,

On Wednesday, February 20, 2002, 13:20:43, bbx wrote:
> As I've subscribed to many ML, I'd suggest to put in the Object field
> e.g. [tbudl], just to know which list I receive from.

Nah, I'm against that. The reason is that you can easily set up filters to
sort incoming messages into their respective folders. Plus, when prepending
a [whatever] to messages, subjects inevitably get messed up. Ever seen one
of these?

> Subject: Re: [waldorf] RE: Re: [waldorf] [ot] Midi cables (was: Re:
> [waldorf] long delay possible on XT?)

No? Be happy. You have to scroll to the end of the line or click the message
to read the subject. All because some people don't figure out to set their
mail filter to filter by "To:" instead of subject. Some might not even have
figured out the concept of filters. Let's not get into details.

Regards, Roman

Roman Katzer, Aachen, Germany

A great ring of pure and endless light dazzles the darkness in my heart, and
breaks apart the dusky clouds of night; the end of all is hinted in the
start.  -- Madeleine L'Engle

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