Hello Melissa,

den 24 mars 2002, 20:12, you wrote:

MR> oops! ...

MR> gpg: Signature made 03/24/02 11:06:36  using DSA key ID FB04F2E9
MR> gpg: BAD signature from "Melissa Reese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

MR> Apparently, only one of the two "non-standard" characters I tried to
MR> paste into the message showed up in my display just now when my
MR> message came back to me. It was a "y" with two dots over it.  There
MR> should have been two characters within the above quoted parenthesis.
MR> Is this possibly another problem with my new TB! message viewer?

MR> Melissa

I got both here the y with dots (ÿ) and "combined b and p" (þ)


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