@ 11:36:03 -0800 [ Sun, 24 Mar 2002], Melissa Reese [MR] wrote these
words of wisdom:...
MR> Well, here's another *very* strange twist...

MR> I just copy/pasted those two characters into a new message, PGP
MR> signed it, and sent it to myself. The following (assuming all
MR> works properly here), is *all* that showed up when I received the
MR> mail into another account:

Are you using the new RTV?

What font is the RTV set to use? Perhaps the different font is unable
to display the characters. If you're using the RTV with a font that's
different from that of the editor, I suggest switching to the editor's
font and check to see if the problem is still there.

     |  ŠAllie Martin - Moderator
     |  TB! v1.60 & Win2K SP2

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