Hi Roelof,

On Tuesday, April 2, 2002, 12:18:29, Roelof Otten wrote:
RK>> Hmm now. Birthday dates were imported in dd.mm.yyyy format. TB wants them as
RK>> yyyymmdd. I can see that in an LDIF file I exported. What now?

> Two possibilities.
> 1) Edit all incorrect entries manually.
> 2) Delete all incorrect entries and import them again, but now without
> birthdays.

I exported everything to an LDIF file and deleted all timestamps (!) and
birthday entries in UltraEdit, then reimported that file. Worked fine!


Roman Katzer, Aachen, Germany

Art is a moral passion married to entertainment.  Moral passion without
entertainment is propaganda, and entertainment without moral passion is
television.  -- Rita Mae Brown

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