After  re-reading  my own message, that message is misleading as well.
What  I  am referring to are messages that arrive with blank fields in
the  FROM  and SUBJECT fields. Some seem to have Business logos within
parentisis,  which  display  nothing and are unuseable in an automated
mail  sorter.  I  cannot even bounce the message back to the source. I
would  encourage  the list administrator to regard messages with blank
fields  as  a form of SPAM. With SPAM I belive a zero tolerance policy
is in effect, with this I would encourage a one-strike policy exist.

This is a forwarded message
Date: Thursday, April 25, 2002, 2:18:19 PM
Subject: Policy Amendment

===8<==============Original message text===============

Of   late   several  members  have  put  either  bogus  or  misleading
information  into  both the subject line and/or the FROM field coupled
with  parentisis  which often does not display. The purpose is to keep
people  from making replies off list. I don't have a problem with that
intent,  but  it  does  create  a  problem for automated mail sorters,
rendering them ineffective.

In  the  case  of  the FROM field, I request a policy change REQUIRING
some  personalized  identifier,  even if that identifier goes nowhere.
And that identifer MUST NOT use parentisis.

In  the  case  of  the  subject field, I request that something appear
there,  without  parentisis,  even  if it's just the word "BLANK". All
fields must have some content.

In  the  interm,  I  request  all  persons  with incomplete headers be
temporarily  bounced  and  not permitted to post until the full header
requirement is met.


===8<===========End of original message text===========

Best regards,
 DJR                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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