On Tue, 7 May 2002, tracer wrote:

> Hello ETM,
> On Tue, 19 Mar 2002 23:44:55 -0500 GMT your local time,
> which was Wednesday, March 20, 2002, 11:44:55 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,
> ETM wrote:
> > I have about 3 gig of OE sitting and go back to that dead base to
> > search and retrieve individual messages when I need them.  I
> > would like to bring them into TB but worry about the size and the
> > effects.  Many of the OE contain attachments (jpgs primarily) and
> > I would want them to remain with the mail.  Is that possible in
> > an import?  I did not have luck when I attempted to use the
> > import features in TB, primarily because I am inexperienced with
> > that feature, and because the OE version is 6.0 and not listed in
> > the import wizard.  Any suggestions?
> I have about 1 gb of compressed mail in the bat.
> No problem...
> Anyway as suggest above try it when the new release is out and hasnt
> any fatal bugs...
> And I would probably try it first on a new installed the Bat to make
> sure my existing emails arent messed up...

Agreed, and make 100% sure that you back all your mail up as well... a
fresh install might not necessarily protect your mails from being messed
with ;) I did try an import from Outlook that comes with Office XP... but
that messed up on 1.60c to the point where all the From fields were list
names, and not the true senders... there was no subjects, dates were all
set to the import date, the To field was missing, and a load of other
stuff was screwed... I'm guessing that had something to do with an
unsuported version of Outlook for the TB! importer ;) I ended up exporting
the emails I really needed to keep into .msg format, then playing with the
formating in the file until I knew it'd import right.

Jonathan Angliss

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