On Tuesday, May 14, 2002, Michael T. Ashby wrote...

> My questions are:

> 1. Can this be done?

Stripping  attachments  is  a  pain,  and  I'm not sure TB! can do it.
Although  if  you  have  access  to the mail server, and it is running
procmail, you could force it to mangle the extension, so it forces you
to  save  the  file before you can open it... this will guarantee that
your virus scanner (if installed) will read the file.

> 2. If so, what recommended extensions should be excluded?

TB!  isn't  at  risk from a lot of auto-executing code viruses such as
Nimda,  Melissa, Klez etc as it doesn't support a lot of the HTML code
that forces it to run. If you're worried about attachments, just don't
open  it. You should know if it's a trusted source. Also bug your mail
server  admin  see  if  they can get a good virus scanner installed on
there  to  check  incoming mail. If it is a Unix type server, they may
want  to  look  for  a program called MailScanner (GPL'd) which can be
used with a majority of the common server virus scanners (I personally
advise  Sophos).  If  all  that still makes you worried... install the
latest  scanner  on  your  desktop  as  well,  and get it to check for
updates daily.

Jonathan Angliss

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