On 30 May 2002, 23:26, Miguel A. Urech wrote:

> Nope. That is exactly the problem. That you can't set or disable sound
> for either of them. If I disable sound in Account properties it
> disables sound for both, and if I enable it, it is enabled for both.

I've got a Sound tab on each folder's properties. This has three
1. Use account settings
2. Use own sound settings
3. Sound disabled

This tab also has provision for choosing a sound file.

Hopefully, this will let you turn off sound for all folders, on a
folder-by-folder basis, leaving sound only for the required folder.

If that fails, try recording a short period of silence and use that
for the folders where no sound is required.


Geoff Lane
Cornwall, UK
Using The Bat! v1.60c on Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 Service Pack 6
Winamp currently playing "Chris Rea - Tell me there's a Heaven"       
Everyone has a photographic memory, some don't have film!

Current Ver: 1.60m
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