Okay, finally got all this working and thought I'd share a couple of

1) Since the same macro needs to be used for multiple address book
(AB) groups and multiple accounts, I'm using .txt files for the
macros: one set for address-book-level macros (tb!AbNew.txt,
tb!AbReply.txt, tb!AbFwd.txt), and one set for account-level macros
(tb!new.txt, tb!reply.txt, tb!fwd.txt). You just enter (for ex.) the
following as your macro:

     %INCLUDE="[your directory]\tb!AbNew.txt"    <--for AB macros


     %INCLUDE="[your directory]\tb!new.txt"      <--for account macros

2) It seems that sometimes macro changes aren't "seen" by TB! until a
restart of TB! (so your macro isn't necessarily broken until you
restart TB! and it still doesn't work!)

3) Most macro-saavy people already know this, but I thought I'd share
how I got the functionality I wanted: getting "Nickname" from my
address book (when available) to show up in my greeting, even if I'm
replying to an existing message rather than hitting "New message" to
an existing contact. This means:

        if I hit [NEW MSG] for address book entry KAYE GREEN, I get
            Dear Mom,

        or if I hit [REPLY TO] msg from [EMAIL PROTECTED], I still get

            Dear Mom,

  Here's basically how to get the greetings to come out like this.
  (NOTE: I'm attaching the .txt files I came up with, too.)

     For the address book groups that have people with nicknames:
        For the "new msg," "reply to," and "forward" macros:

   But what about messages for people not in your address book? For
   example, JOHN SMITH writes you and when you reply you want it to
            Dear John,

   or, if there's no "First Name" defined by his message to you,

            Dear John Smith,

   (which is his whole name)--then you can just edit to say "John" or
   "Mr. Smith" or whatever.

   To get these greetings, you can use code like the following in the
   ACCOUNT-based macros (which will be called ONLY if John Smith's
   email address is NOT in your address book groups where you've
   defined macros as above!).
     For the account-based macros:
        For the "new msg" and "forward" macros:


        For the "reply to" macros:

These are obviously very simple macros that don't try to take other
special cases into account (for example, the difference between From
and Reply-To addresses) and which assume that if you want to call
someone something special (e.g., "Mom" or "Dr. Smith" [vs. "John"])
that you have put that special name in the "Nickname" field in the
address book.

Still, thought they'd be helpful for basic functionality and learning.
Hope this helps.


Aaron Green, MD


Best regards,

Aaron Green, MD


Best regards,

*****Forwarded message*****
[From: %OFromName <%OFromAddr>]
[Subject: %OSubj]

*****End of original message text*****

Aaron Green, MD



Best regards,

Aaron Green, MD


Best regards,

*****Forwarded message*****
[From: %OFromName <%OFromAddr>]
[Subject: %OSubj]

*****End of original message text*****

Aaron Green, MD


Best regards,

Aaron Green, MD



Best regards,

Aaron Green, MD

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