Hello Jernej, on 27/Jun/2002 you wrote:

JS> Hello Julian,

JS> 27. junij 2002, 14:22:07, you wrote:

JK>> Can anyone help me with a suitable re?

JS> Here's a QT I use, and it seems to work with your example:

Doh!! I worked out what was wrong. I was including the QT *as well as*
the %Quotes macro rather than replacing it!

People might also like to note that I have changed the macro slightly
to remove extra blank lines at the end of the email by adding "(^\n*)"
before the appropriate option ("_{40,}\s*\n") like so (note line 5):

((\s*)?\n?-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED.*?\n(Hash:.*?\n)?\s*)?%-
(.*?)(^(- -*?\s*?--\s*\n|%-
\n-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE.*s?\n|%-
\n\nYour use of|%-
\n+Get your FREE download|%-
\nNote that the email address of the sender has been changed|%-
\n---\nOutgoing mail is certified Virus Free.|%-

Additionally, I've changed the reply template (note the %- on the end
of the first QInclude) to remove another unwanted blank line:

Hello %OFromFName, on %ODate="d/mmm/yyyy" you wrote:



Hope this may help other newbies too!

(Using The Bat! v1.60q on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 )
Julian Knight, 
|Home Page: http://www.knightnet.org.uk/                             |
|Location : Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom.              |
|Occupation: Security, Directory, Messaging, Network & PC Consultant |

Current Ver: 1.60q
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