Ciao Allie,

in data venerd́ 5 luglio 2002, alle 13:32, hai scritto:

G>> I have already done `compact database`...

ACM> Of where? The Inbox?


ACM> message base still accumulates copies of all messages that are
ACM> filtered from it. You have to specifically compress it and your

i'll try.

ACM> If this isn't the problem, are you running any other software that may
ACM> affect TB!'s downloading. A firewall? Antivirus software etc?

nope, nope, a p200 will die under a AV in permanent monitoring :-)))

I've noticed that during large messages (3 mb, today) download I`ve
not speed problems, so I guess the problem is in filtering... but I`ve
not increased the number of filters...

Can be a message base damaged ? (maybe disk problems?)




     Gian Matteo
     The Bat! 1.60q 

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