For all that have been following my saga with TB! and my ISP, Cogeco,
who have set up their servers to reject messages sent through TB!, here
is the response I have received so far, as well as my response back:

> Hi  Ron
> Thank you for your reply and persistence in this matter. It is
> appreciated
> > So far, server ops is unwilling to change a successful configurations to
> > allow for an unsupported mail program.
> I am at a total loss. On what basis are they unwilling to change the
> system configuration? Everything was working fine up until a few weeks
> ago, when someone may have inadvertently mis-configured a filter. To
> filter based on an x-mailer header is really strange. What are they
> trying to achieve by blocking use of TB!... what is the logic??
> The Bat! is a legitimate e-mail client and what Cogeco is currently doing
> is displaying prejudice against TB! users.
> According to Cogeco they are already losing cable TV market share to
> satellite services (-1.3% loss in subscriptions ) do they now want to jeopardize
> their ISP business by exhibiting this type of discrimination??
> Doesn't make any business sense.
> > I'm not sure I agree, so I haven't let it go yet.
> Again, this is very much appreciated. We are trying to have this dialog
> in the spirit of co-operation to resolve what appears to be a simple
> mis-understanding or mis-configuration. If you feel we should talk to
> someone in your operations area in addition, we'd be more than willing
> to do so.

Unfortunately (or fortunately whichever way you want to look at it) as a
result of a corporate move, next week, I am being transferred to a new
Province (and thus a new ISP). I will try and keep up this dialogue with
Cogeco with the hopes of arriving at a successful resolution. My concern
here is that in Canada, we have 3 major cable internet service providers.
If Cogeco has decided to do this, then it may not be long before another
corporate genius decides whatever Cogeco did is good for them as well.

The only thing is that I'm not really knowledgeable in terms of
technical understanding. So if this starts to go that way, I'm hoping I
can count on you continuing support to assist.

Best Regards,


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