Hello to all TB! friends.   
I'm still trying to sort out all my various installation problems. As it turned out, uninstalling and reinstalling TB! solved most of all the misterious problems. Now I'm left with 3 specific ones, for which I'll write separately, so that you can be free to choose what to answer to.
Thank you in advance for all your help.
ADDRESS BOOK - Importing from Netscape4.79 (preferable), or from OE6.
Try as I might, I do not seem to find a way to make it import an address book, as it allows only abb, tbb files which I obviously don't have. Furthermore, it gives me the choice for CSV and TAB separators, which I really don't know how to apply to my previous programs.
Any ideas please?
Thanks you for your patience.

Location: Tel Aviv - Israel
Phone   : 972 - 3 - 649 1806
Fax      :   972 - 3 - 644 4510
Primary E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alternative E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
************** When the term "Global Village" will be a FEELING,
************** The world throughout will finally really be at PEACE.

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