AM>> I have a problem which could be caused by Jana or Eudora & I
AM>> cannot find which one.

ACM> As a test you could really then use TB! in server mode to see if your
ACM> problem goes away.

I think I will give it a try and see what happens.

AM>> I thought that using the same software for server and client maybe
AM>> more stable. The support for TB! is certainly far superior to the
AM>> others. Is the server mode of TB! not fully implemented?

ACM> It is but it's not a specialist server. If it servers your needs OK,
ACM> then by all means use it. If you need advanced mailserver features
ACM> then TB! will not offer this.

I dont need advanced features - just auto forwarding and
auto-responder would be good. Really I just need something
which is stable and easy to setup.

btw I am also new to mailing lists - please tell me if my
netiquette is lacking in any way


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