On Mon, 15 Jul 2002 at 09:26 GMT -0500 (15/07/2002 21:26 where you think
I live) "Greg Strong"=[GS] wrote to TBUDL :

> I am receiving notices of abuse on email sent to the TBUDL.  As an
> example I have included one of the notices in the forwarded message
> below.

> There might not be anything wrong with your mail...but...

> Your relay [] home.worldless.net
       the  notification not correct, home.worldless.net have ip address,  seems his script not working accurate :-(

> is  well  known  for relaying of spam - your mail is blocked or simply
> deleted at server stage.

This message mentioned that one of your relay host with ip []
known  as one source of spammers. All of your posting seems through this
host (check your header please).

You can check out the link below :

> More info: http://spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblock&ip=

Please  do not use relay through this SMTP, or notify to your ISP to not
using this server as relay host.

Best regards,

- Syafril -               mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Flying with The Bat! 1.61
under Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

Current Ver: 1.61
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