Hello John,

As one member suggested earlier today, X-Ray discussion belongs to TBOT
list. Hence I cross post to both TBUDL & TBOT. Anybody interested in
X-Ray, please continue it at TBOT.

On 27 Jul 2002 15:36:05  (my local time 26 Jul 2002 22:36:05), John
Phillips wrote

> Can someone help me with this? Is X-Ray an SMTP server, or only sends
> through a nominated SMTP (or 2 or 3, etc.?)

X-Ray is not a SMTP server per se. Instead of talking to remote SMTP/POP3
server directly, your email client now talks to X-Ray which in turn sends
or receives messages from remote server.

Why anybody wants to do that? You ask.

1) It enables you to manipulate email header. Modify X-mailer header is
just one example. There are other situations it proves to be useful. For
example, one client's SMTP server is set up in such a way that any message
sent from it have the the domain name of the from/reply-to field replaced
with that of the client. So emails sent by my colleagues who work on site
bear wrong from/reply-to address. With X-Ray, I am able to fix this
problem by replacing the from/reply-to field by filter.

2) Automatic SMTP switching. It is most useful when your SMTP server
restricts access by IP. Since TB chooses SMTP server based on the account,
if TB talks to remote server directly, you have to either manually change
SMTP setting or use different email account to cope with IP change. Both
are not very desirable. By talking to a local client like X-Ray, you are
relieved from worrying about it.

Regards, Anthony

I am not a great programmer. I am just a good programmer with great
habits. -- Kent Beck

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