Howdy Eddie,

Saturday, August 17, 2002, 1:55:42 AM, Eddie Castelli wrote:

EC> I think that Chris means something else. When you have a split mode of
EC> 3 the uper right is the (I think in English) Newswindow. Where all
EC> eMails of a folder are shown. When you select a few of them and then
EC> move the Cursor into this Window then a Statistic shows up telling you
EC> how many Msg are in this folder and how many are selected.

EC> So Chris wants to know if this can be disabled.

EC> To my knowledge - No!

That's exactly what I meant, but I don't think it matters about the
split mode. In fact, I just tested all of the split mode displays and
the little yellow pop-up window shows in all of them when mousing over
the message list with either message auto view turned on or off.

And that's what I thought the answer would be, but had to ask anyway.

Guess I can live with it. Thanks!

Chris Montgomery        [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Airtight Web Services
Web Development, Web Project Management, Software Sales

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