SH> Stupidly I've tried to display the birth-dates in the address book, to
SH> work out which ones I had to delete. The result is I can no longer
SH> open the AB! What files do I have to delete to wipe the address book
SH> and start again?

I hope you didn't wipe it yet, because it's not neccesary!

Just close TB! and open the file AddrBook.ini in \Program Files\The

At the beginning you'll find a section similar to this (not exactly
the same):

| [Columns]
| Count=6
| Column #1=241:-1
| Column #2=153:-100
| Column #3=97:5
| Column #4=100:18
| Column #5=110:7
| Column #6=100:8

just replace it with

| [Columns]
| Count=0

and then open TB!. The address book will now have the default columns
configuration, and you'll be able to erase the defective items.

Ricardo M. Reyes | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                 | (Mar del Plata - Argentina)
                 | Usando The Bat! 1.60c

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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