Hello Bob Curtis,

BC>   I know this was discussed previously and I believe the consensus was
BC>   that ZA was causing the problem of automated email checking
BC>   stopping.

I don't think there should be such a consensus. Rather a consensus
that the mailchecking problems might be caused either a) by some kind of
conflict with ZA or b) by conflicts not related to ZA that nobody has been
able to define.

I have experienced these problems with several versions of TB using
3 different firewalls as well as no firewall at all. There are other
users who like yourself have reported in this forum that they have a
similar problem without using ZA.

BC>   Is there any additional info regarding TB and auto checking not
BC>   working?

Nobody really figured anything out in this forum about the non-ZA
related type of problem, but now you have the problem you might follow
an earlier suggestion and check the log to see if there's any
indication that a mailcheck was actually attempted. Also, export the
TB part of the registry and we might be able to compare with the same
export from a machine that's working and find some explanation.

Johnny Skaaning
The Bat 1.61 - Windows 2000

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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