Dear Alaeddin,
Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 9:39:46 AM you wrote:

AM> He is only showing my e-mail address as the sender it does
AM> not seem like he has my password.  Anything I can do about this?

I think some of the worms, like Klez, uses this method.

AM> Also the bounced messages from server who detect this virus send
AM> it back to me with the infected attachments and my virus protection
AM> deletes my whole messages.tbb file.

AM> Suggestions?

I have had those responses too. I even know someone who keeps
receiving worms, apparently send by me.

I always answer that I use The Bat! and therefore do not spread virus
or worms, like e.g. Outlook or Outlook Express. Then I hear no more
from them.

I have - of course - made a quicktemplate for that purpose ;-)


Kind regards,

Britt Malka

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... It's the millennium, motives are incidental.

... - - ...

Mailer: Ritlabs SecureBat! v1.61 (7Ba40-6E8D5) under Windows 2000 5.0

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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