Sh'mae Pete,
On Sun, 8 Sep 2002, at 14:22:38 [GMT -0600] (or 21:22 in Wales)
regarding 'W2K to XP Pro' you wrote:

PM> Replying to your message of Sunday, September 8, 2002, 10:55:47 AM:

AR>> Mind you, it is hefty - is your machine up to it

PM> 1.4GHz, 512 DDR should handle it.

Oh yeah!

(2 x PIII 450 and 640mb here)


08 September 2002, 23:55
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'---''(_/--'  `-'\_)  pgp key : [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
                                                          | You are here:  X

I  woke  up  one  morning  and looked around the room. Something wasn't right. I
realized  that someone had broken in the night before and replaced everything in
my  apartment  with an exact replica. I couldn't believe it... I got my roommate
and  showed him. I said, "Look at this--everything's been replaced with an exact
replica!" He said, "Do I know you?"

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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