Hello Adam,

On Fri, 4 Oct 2002 12:21:00 +0100 GMT (04/10/02, 18:21 +0700 GMT),
Adam Bradley wrote:

>> I have no use for the HTML portion of the message and would like to automate
>> their deletion.  Is there any way to do this for my 2000+ old messages?

AB> I'm not sure if this would work, but it's what occurs to me.
AB> If you have told TB to store attachments in a separate directory, then
AB> I think all the HTML files would be in there. Deleting them would be
AB> very easy if you want to get rid of all of them.

Yes, but you can do that only on the account level. In my main account
I receive regular HTML mails from AOL'ers (otherwise friends of mine).
But I also receive other attachments, which I definitely want to keep
in the message body.

There is a filter with which I can extract the attachments from the
habitual HTML-senders to a seperate directory, but the attachments
will only be copied to that destination. If the attachments would be
actually extracted, that would be the solution.



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