Hello alists,

On Fri, 4 Oct 2002 14:21:41 -0700 GMT (05/10/02, 04:21 +0700 GMT),

awc> I've been going through my email and see a problem i'm not sure
awc> what is causing it.. those that are parked have sometimes 50, 60,
awc> 100 copies of the same parked message in the folder!!

awc> any idea what causes this? I use parks a lot because i'm a quick
awc> deleter!! :)

If you copy a parked message from one folder to another, the copy will
be parked, too. If you run the filter again (like manually on your
Inbox were the original message is), then it will be copied again, so
you have two identical parked messages in the destination folder.



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