Hello Roelof and Batmans,

On Thursday, October 10, 2002 Roelof wrote:

> Might be because you ran a filter that deleted all messages in the
> inbox or deleted them yourself by accident. Parked messages are
> ignored when you or your filters start deleting.

Yes, may be.... But i don't remember anything like this 8-0

AAG>> But messages.tbb do contains much MORE messages...

> Deleted messages stay in the messages.tbb until you compress it,
> they're only marked deleted in the messages.tbi. So let's hope that
> you don't compress your inbox on exit, because that would mean you'd
> lose them as soon as you exit TB. (Under normal circumstances it's a
> very sensible option to have activated, since your messagebase gets
> real big when you never compress.)
> You could try to undelete them. There are two ways to handle this.

done. 3 messages got more.

> Well actually I've got two more pieces of advice and since your asking
> for it. ;-)
> I read your replies to the messages of Alexander and Miguel and
> because of those I decided to reply to your original message and not
> to your reply to one of them. Your habit of top posting (or bottom

[skipped, sorry]

> Please don't take this advice as a personal attack, but accept it as a
> well meant advice that could be profitable to you and your
> correspondents.

Dear Roelof, thank You for Your coolest reply! I do agree with You,
that reply must be readable, and FIDO do make a culture of
e-mail communications, that was lost in Inet :((

> What's that, a radio call sign?

The matter is that it's not only English alphabet, it's also Russian
alphabet, so somebody, who knows Russian may read Russian word
"splinter" :)) Just a nick, no more :)

AAG>> 2:5012/18.2

> Oh, a point under Dmitry Vodennikov?

Yes, so what ? :))) You may write to me :)))

> What I said about quoting styles was learned on fidonet during the
> days modems were a lot slower than nowadays.

Oh yes, i remember that time... bla-bla-bla ... And Of course You know that cool song
of Michael Jackson about FIDO time, isn't it ? :)))))

Regards, Your sincerely registered
3AHO3A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|2:5012/18.2>

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