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On Wednesday, October 23, 2002, jwayne wrote...

> =====================

> "Cannot  focus  a disabled or invisible window" message box appears.
> The  TB  title  bar  goes blank (no icon or "The Bat!" title) and TB
> loses focus. If I then toggle back to TB, the message box reappears.
> I  can NOT do anything in TB or even exit. Had to abort TB by ending
> the process.

> =====================

That's a programming error... or a miss-theory in the order of events.
I do it from time to time myself. If you can get full details and mail
them  on  the bug tracker, or straight to the programmers, they should
be  able to replicate it. You should try to include *ALL* steps you go
through to replicate it.

> Well,  I  figured  out  when  it  happens. I was in the message view
> window.  Typed  in a few letters to quick search for a message. When
> the  HTML  message  came  up in the view window below, I deleted the
> HTML  "attachment"  portion.  Then  toggled back to the quick search
> window  and  did  another  search.  Eventually,  the  error repeated
> itself.

Do you have HTML Auto-View enabled? From a rough guess, a theory might
be  that  you have HTML enabled, and when you delete the HTML portion,
and flick back to the main window, it tries to select the HTML portion
of  email, which is no longer there, so the small tab is deleted. This
makes it 'invisible' and you're trying to get focus to that tab, hence
the message... just a guess ;)

> 1.61,  Windows  2000  SP2  (thankfully,  since it is easy to end the
> process. Also thankfully, TB has ALWAYS recovered without any errors
> in the message base!)

You  won't  find  it  has anything to do with your actual message base
itself,  or  a  bad  email or anything like that, but more an order of
events.  As  I  said  earlier, try replicating it, writing each single
step  down,  and  send  onto  RitLabs so they can investigate. I doubt
there is anything we can do here, unless RitLabs start making TB! open
source :)

- --
Jonathan Angliss

Comment: Fingerprint: 676A 1701 665B E343 E393  B8D2 2B83 E814 F8FD 1F73


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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