RMR>> what do you mean by that?
A> What I MEAN is, that if there is a message board in place that there needs
A> to be (or SHOULD be) moderators from different time zones.

of course, I guess I wasn't paying attention when reading your message

A> If someone is having technical difficulties with TB! and seeks help on the
A> message board, I would think it would be incredibly annoying to have to wait
A> a "full day" or whatever to get a response if there was no one to respond to
A> their query within their time zone, especially if it is one which is
A> hindering their use of TB!.

I think you're taking this too seriusly, maybe. If you think a good
web forum should give you a good answer before your bed time, I think
this is going to be a very stressfull hobby for you. At least try to
get paid by RIT ! :)

In TBUDL we may have something like that because it already has a lot
of subscribers from all over the world. But I wouldn't qualify a forum
or discussion list as a bad one just for having to wait a day for an
answer. And maybe two or three days to have several opinions and a

A> I am sure, given time, that many users (those knowledgeable and those
A> moderately knowledgeable) will frequent the board and be able to offer help
A> at all times of the day...

given a reasonable time to grow up the forum, yes.

A> whichever time of the day it happens to be in your neck of the woods. But
A> until then, it would be a wise thing to have moderators from different time
A> zones frequenting the board.

yes, it would be nice to have 2 or 3 moderators. But I wouldn't delay
the start of the board just because there's only one moderator. It's
just not so bad to have inappropriate content posted for a few hours

And I think you're confusing two things: One thing is the need to have
several moderators covering different time zones. The other thing is
the need to have a good quantity of contributors, who can answer to
questions in a timely manner. But moderators participate in
discussions as any other user, and it's not their job to be 'on guard'
like a doctor, waiting for a patient to arrive :)

Ricardo M. Reyes | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                 | (Mar del Plata - Argentina)
                 | Usando The Bat! 1.60c

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