Saturday, October 26, 2002, 8:17:25 PM, you wrote:

VN>>> Does anyone know if Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition can scan
VN>>> mail received through TB?

SP>> NAV doesn't have plug-in for TB! But, it can be set up to scan
SP>> incoming/outgoing mails depending upon the version you are using (I'm
SP>> not familiar with corporate edition).

SM> That's a "yes" for the corporate version.

Thanks Scott. Are you sure about this though? And if it does, that
that mean that I don't need a corresponding dll to force TB to check
email from its end? I know NAV scans eudora and outlook/OE, but TB I don't know

This brings up a question though. If Kaspersky can scan email for
other email clients besides TB(which I presume it does), then how come
it needs this special plugin for TB and not for others? Or is this
just an additional measure that makes sure that Kaspersky scans email
on its own, as well as when invoked directly by TB itself?


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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