Thursday, October 31, 2002, 5:17:07 PM, you wrote:

MDP> Hash: SHA1

MDP> Hi Vishal,

MDP> @31-Oct-2002, 18:11 -0800 (02:11 UK time) Vishal Nakra [VN] in
MDP> mid:429607615.20021031181140@; said:

TF>>> In the TB filters, wouldn't do "Presence" in subject the trick?
TF>>> I am sure there is a regex that looks for "no character at
TF>>> all". Or "any character" and you set Presence to No.

VN>> I'm not sure that it will.

MDP> It will: look for '[a-z0-9]', presence 'No', Regex enabled.

Now that looks perfect :) It's also shorter than some of the other
solutions people helped me out with. Thanks everyone!


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