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'Lo Jan,

On Thu, 5 Dec 2002 10:27:06 -0500 your time, you said:

JR> Hello Bat Folk.

JR>   However  when  I  look @ it, it shows that I issued the certificate to
JR>   myself & I'm wondering if this is right;

No,  this is wrong. The self-signed certificate has no value at all. Did you
request  the  certificate  from  Certum.pl  ?  If  yes, then you should have
received  an email asking you to reply to it. After that, they send you your
certificate,  which  you import. You don't seem to have the certificate from
the CA yet.

JR>   I'm not sure I understand the value to the msg receiver to know that I
JR>   issued myself a MIME certificate.

There  is none. Once you receive and import a valid certificate that will of
course  change  everything.  Anyone  else  with a valid certificate can sign
their  messages, you can import their certificate and use it to encrypt mail
to them.

- --

 Simon @ theycallmesimon.co.uk

PGP Key: http://pgp.theycallmesimon.co.uk/

Faffing about with TB! v1.61 on W2K SP3

#1673. Ma Qed Wily Or Ussr ¶

Comment: Privacy is freedom. Protect your freedom with PGP!
Comment: KeyID: 0x5C7E8966


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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