Hallo speedguy,

On Sat, 21 Dec 2002 02:21:24 +0200GMT (21-12-02, 1:21 +0100GMT, where
I live), you wrote:

s> -is it possible to create a rule so that all incoming messages are
s> added to address book

Yes, for the the first part of your message

s> and its attachment file goes as entry for picture in the address book

And no for the second part of your question.

s> -if picture for particular address exists in AB, can some rule be
s> created which show preview of picture for incoming emails from this
s> address

 Shift-Ctrl-O enables the address book auto-view, doesn't care whether
 a picture exist or not.

s> -there is a possible way to create filter that can extract
s> attachements and save in some directory but it doesn't allow us to
s> select the file name. is there anyway, where i can specify that file
s> name should of format say first_name or email_address or something..

You can't in TB. You'd need some third party tool for that.

Groetjes, Roelof

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