On Saturday, December 28, 2002, Allie Martin wrote:

> The 'Paste Formatted' command, i.e., CTRL-Shift-Ins will reflow
> multiple paragraphs at once. If you have a lot of paragraphs to
> reflow, you could select them all, hit CTRL-C or CTRL-X to copy them
> to the clipboard and then hit the Paste Formatted command. All
> paragraphs will be re-flowed and pasted back into the editor.

> If you have a macro tool installed, you could convert those two
> shortcut keystrokes into a single macro keyboard shortcut.


THANK YOU, once again!

I've always had a problem with this and never known how to do it. I
use Ctrl-Shift-Ins when I paste material from other programs into an
email, but I never thought of using Ctrl-X along with it!

Brilliant. Another item that should be be added to the FAQ.

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