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Hi Graeme,

@2-Jan-2003, 01:40 Graeme J Hosking [GJH] in

GJH> However, every time I ask for a signature to be verified, or a
GJH> message to be decrypted, I get a duplicate of the message with
GJH> "(PGP Decrypted)" appended to the subject. Is it really
GJH> supposed to do that?

Yes - for decryption. Only encrypted signed messages will result in
a decrypted version. Signature verification will result in the
appearance of the PGP Log window containing the results of the
verification. With the later ckt builds (09 beta 3 for instance) the
result of the verification process is loaded into the clipboard
ready to be pasted back into a response.

GJH> It seems to me to be slightly less than elegant, but given that
GJH> I'm new to PGP I'm willing to accept there might be a good
GJH> reason for doing this (I just can't see it :-).

The reason is that the decryption is intended to be temporary - for
viewing purposes only. I employ Read message filters to delete
decrypted messages automatically after reading. I also employ
special macros to enforce encryption and to remove the "Decrypted"
from the subject when replying.

GJH> I was expecting messages to be verified or decrypted "in-line",
GJH> so to speak, making use of the PGP passphrase caching. Making
GJH> decrypted copies of a message that anyone passing my
GJH> workstation can read when I'm not around seems to go against
GJH> the objective of increasing privacy, IMO. Which is why I'm
GJH> wondering if I've missed anything?

Only deleting the decrypted version once read. If it were decrypted
in-line then you really would lose that opportunity since the
original message would be replaced with the decrypted version.

S/MIME messages are actually handled more as you describe.

BTW, if unattended security is of concern to you then you should
seriously consider using SecureBat!

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1rc1-nr1 (Windows 2000)


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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