Well, suppose I have two XML files, one using <name-first> and the
other using <first-name>. An XSL script can convert between them. Or I
can convert the data manually using any text editor. Fifteen years
from now, when the original programs are long dead, I will still have
my address data in a format I can read and use.

More to the point, I should slap the developers for not coordinating
on a standard. That is what committees like W3C are for. The vcard XML
format sounds like a winner to me.

We have email standards, and all email clients support them: POP, SMTP,
etc. Why not some W3C-approved XML address format?

XML is more than a buzzword, it's an important new standard. The
reading of XML files via SAX or DOM is facilitated by open-source
parsers and is not complex at all. XML is a machine-ready format. I
can't see how proprietary formats are any less work.


> (All the same, as the author of PhoneDeck, I feel called on the carpet
> here. It's off-topic for this list, though, so I'll just say that
> while XML is certainly the buzzword of the day, it doesn't make things
> as easy as the hype would have us believe. What good would be
> XML-enabled PhoneDeck *and* TheBat, if PhoneDeck had a <name-first>
> tag and TheBat! had <first-name>? No good at all. Second, reading XML,
> whether through DOM or SAX, is a very complex process. PhoneDeck's
> addressbook format, while technically "proprietary", is perfectly
> readable to human eye, and is very easy to parse, much easier than XML
> will ever be. So is CSV export. Can't say that about TheBat's
> addressbook, though ;)

> Best regards,
> .marek jedlinski

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