> I'm quite happy with the current frequency of the digests.

I am not.

> Once a day
> would be fine if I simply wanted to lurk, but responding to anything
> after the messages have been accumulating for 24 hours

Then you should get all messages real-time.

> would just be
> unmanageable.

What I'm finding unmanageable is the amount of daily traffic coming
through.  It's so bad that I'm afraid I'll have to drop the
subscription.  This is the only way I can control the traffic flow on
my account because Bat has no digest format. The 'digest' it has now
is nothing of the kind.

> It's bad enough this way with crossed messages. I would
> suggest just reading the web archives if anyone finds the digest
> frequency too hard to deal with.

I would suggest doing it like every other mailing list on the planet
and give people a choice in how they wish to receive it.

Unsubscribing now,

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