Hi Marck,

Thanks for posting this filter solution.  But, I have one problem.  I
have no idea where this information you provided goes.  I checked
sorting office/filter dialog and I see where some of the information
you gave fits in, but not the bulk of it.  I have checked The Bat!
help file and have confused myself even more.  When i was reading
about the filtering options i found this:

        Each filtering rule has its own set of actions, which will be executed
        whenever a message satisfying the filtering condition appears in the
        source folder. A very widely used action is moving a message to another
        folder for filing purposes - that is why the target folder is set at
        the very first page of rule properties.

        However, it is an option, therefore, you can set the target folder to
        be the same as the source folder to leave the message in place and proceed
        with other rule actions which can be defined in the **Actions** page of the
        Sorting Office configuration dialog.
        The actions currently available are:
at this point it lists many options available, one of which is an add
recipients to your address book. I think this is great, but then I go
to the Sorting Office Configuration, choose the **Actions** dialog and
all i can do is set a mail flag or set message priority, etc.

I am new to The Bat!'s filtering system and the darn thing does not
seem very intuitive to the uninitiated.

By the way, according to Stefan Tanurkov at RIT LABS, The initial
problem with adding all addresses under *Specials* is a bug, so
hopefully it will be fixed.

Thanks for your help.

                           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Friday, January 31, 2003, 5:00:25 AM, you wrote:

MDP> Hash: SHA1

MDP> Hi Matt,

MDP> @30-Jan-2003, 19:38 -0800 (03:38 UK time) Matt Thoene said:

MDP> That makes no difference to a manual filter to be applied with a
MDP> hotkey. Here's an example:

MDP> BeginFilter
MDP> Name: Manual address adder
MDP> Active: 1
MDP> Source: \\Inbox
MDP> Target: \\Inbox
MDP> CopyFolder: \\\\none
MDP> MainSet: 00.
MDP> Actions: faAddAddress,faoManualOnly,faoHotKey
MDP> AddAddrItems: afiTO, afiCC, afiBCC,
MDP> DelAddrItems: afiFrom,
MDP> HotKey: 24654
MDP> EndFilter

MDP> This does not move messages.

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