Hello Andrey G. Sergeev (AKA Andris),

On or about Wednesday, February 05, 2003 at 21:14:26GMT +0300
(which was 1:14 PM in the tropics where I live) Andrey G. Sergeev
(AKA Andris) postulated:

AGSAA> I have found a bug which prevents messages to be sent to an IP address
AGSAA> directly (e.g. mailbox@[]). Here is a good example.

8< Snipped alot!

Correct me if I am wrong, but I'm sure IP addresses are not
rout-able as an e-mail recipient.  I can't find the appropriate
RFC, but I'm sure I read this somewhere.  I just tried to send
myself a message using my ISP's domain IP and it came back as;

Unrouteable address

Also the IP of the POP3 server came back;

Unrouteable address

IP specifics removed to prevent harvesting of data!

The error returned in Andrey's message said;

AGSAA>    ----- Transcript of session follows -----
AGSAA> 550 5.1.2 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Host unknown (Name server: tp.aaanet.ru.: host 
not found)
AGSAA> ---[Cut]---

This indicates the DNS listing is in error or the domain doesn't
exist.  This is further supported by;

AGSAA> Subject: mail.tp.ru MX record is invalid

Am I off base here?

Warmest tropical wishes,

Never trust a woman who tells you her real age; if she tells you
that, she'll tell you anything. (Oscar Wilde)

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