G> Now how would I send mail that I have collected in folder for
G> forwarding and would it be possible to generate a status report?

about forwarding certain mails, I would make a filter that saves the
text of those incoming email into a text file, using a template that
includes all the relevant information (date, from, to, subject, text,
something else if you want) and telling The Bat! to concatenate each
email to end of that text file.

Then make another filter that answers to your order (maybe a message
with "send status" in the subject, or something more secret) and
replies with a message that "includes" the text file in the body of
the message. That way you will receive a file with all your emails,
one after the other. It's not exactly forwarding, but it gets close.
Keep in mind that you won't receive the attachments of those messages.

If you think you'll receive a lot of emails, you may want to "reset"
that text file to avoid transmitting again and again the same messages.
To do that you can create a 3rd filter, with another command like
"erase history" that saves the text of the incoming mail to the text
file (like the first filter) but with an empty template (so that it
doesn't save anything) and with the option to overwrite the file

I hope this helps you, if you need help to write the filters just

Ricardo M. Reyes          | (Mar del Plata - Argentina)
                          | Usando The Bat! 1.60c

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