TF> Do you check both accounts at both locations?
No. My company's exchange server cannot be reached from outside.
Similarly, I can't access my home account's pop3 server from the

TF> I assume you work on a laptop which you carry back and
TF> forth

TF> However, if you sent FROM your home account, I would assume that the
TF> reply-to is set to your home account, regardless of where you are. And
TF> the same should be true for your office account, respectively. I don't
TF> quite understand hwat you need - especially since, if you write to
TF> someone from home, he might only be replying by the time you are
TF> already in the office the next morning. What am I missing?
The problem comes in that I have templates associated with an address
book group and I want the behaviour to change based on the account I'm
sending from.

Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 

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