** Thanks to who ever told me about being able to make a filter and being able
to copy and paste it to the next folder... that worked great.  Had the whole
<ctl-c><ctl-shft-s><ctl-v> routine going...

I have Norton Internet Security and its "spam alert" thing where when it thinks
a spam email comes thru, it just tags the subject with spam alert.  I just made
a Common folder for all of my junk email to end up in so I can sort thru them
and figure how I need to tweak my not so perfect Norton filters.

So why use norton?  You do not have to tell it/setup user names & password information 
it to scan emails... it checks every email coming thru, regardless which email
client I use or which email address/account I have.  I am not so fond of its
filters as it takes 9 steps to get to the filter edit screen and even then its
very basic "word matching" and "good or bad email" rules.  I am still looking
around for the spam filter to replace it, but for now it and the delete key seem
to work ok.

TheBat 1.62 with 29 accounts on win2k
rtmf?? me?? never!!

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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