Hello Linda Dunn,

On or about Wednesday, March 19, 2003 at 03:49:14GMT -0500 (which was
3:49 AM in the tropics where I live) Linda Dunn posted:

LD> Is there a way to keep TB from cutting off quoted material at the
LD> bottom of an email? I've found that after an email passes back and
LD> forth several times, the original messages are getting clipped.

This may be a beta problem, 'IF' you are not referring to signature
lines.  If you are referring to signature lines, TB! does cut anything
off after the 'cut mark' which is --<space> followed by a C/R.

LD> This is a problem b/c I like to save only the most recent email,
LD> and keep all the past correspondence quoted on it.

Check the TBBETA list for further discussion of TB! Beta trimming (or
LOSING) text from long messages.

Please note tagline......

Warmest tropical wishes,

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

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