Hello Stuart,

On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 10:33:55 +0100 GMT (15/07/03, 16:33 +0700 GMT),
Stuart Hemming wrote:

> Just lately I have found myself mailing 2 or 3 of these people at the
> same time. Is there a way I can set up the filers so that if there are
> multiple addressees a copy goes to each folder without me ending up
> with the original being left in my inbox?

The first filter should have two rules on the main tab:
Bill present in kludges AND
Bob present in Kludges

Move message to folder: Bill

and, under the Actions tab:
[X] Create a copy of the message in another folder: Bob.

If this filter doesn't catch (because only Bill or only Bob is present
in kludges), the other filters will work as usual.

I have a similar problem, but I handle it slightly differently. If
another folder called "Bill and Bob", and when both are present in
kludges, the message will be moved to that folder. This way, I see
immediately when the message was addressed to both.

Another idea is to move messages from Bill and from Bob into the smae
folder anyway, but colour them differently. Blue for Bill and green
for Bob. And of course, if the messages contains both Bill's and Bob's
email address, use violet.

> Do you SWIM?

Perfectly. I think.



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