On Wednesday, July 23, 2003, Paul Cartwright wrote...

> On Wednesday, July 23, 2003, 3:18 PM, you wrote:

>>> I haven't re-subed to TBOT.. I looked, but didn't see any
>>> messages THAT FIT what I'm talking about ( I looked in the
>>> archive)

r>> I might have missed something in your original description,
r>> but there were some posts about receiving bounced posts that
r>> one didn't make in the first place.

> it wasn't a bounced post, it was an email list that sent me a message
> saying I didn't have authority to post to the list. the reply included
> this:
> -P64VxCAX89qMnM82N91
> Content-Type: audio/x-wav;
>         name=COLSPAN.pif

Virus :)


> it probably was a spammer, because I don't use the email they sent
> it to, to subscribe to ANY lists.

The hint is in the content-type and name of file. The content type is
saying it's a wave file, but the real name is a dos executable. The
hundreds of lines at the bottom was a base64 encoded attachment, the

Jonathan Angliss

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