--> Friday, August 22, 2003, 6:36:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I>>> No, one is my ISP, comcast,

MDP>> Do they have any technical support that could give you a log of a
MDP>> failed download session?

> Hahahahaha!  Excuse my laughing Marck, but Comcast, according to my US
> friends, probably can't even spell the word technical.  They are one
> of the, if not the worst, providers in the US.

If you need support, they are horrible, but horrible support is nearly
expected. One huge aspect of my business is excellent support, and part
of that excellent support is provided by The Bat! ;-)

Regardless, when I read that, I just sighed. I guess it's funny in a satanic
sorta way, but it gets old, especially when you experience the same from
most companies. RIT support is similarly horrid, except the people I was
talking to either cannot understand english very well or use that
possibility as a ploy to increase the users chance of giving up, much like
my younger sister doing the dishes in such a fucked up manner that my
parents were wary to ask her to do them again, she did it on purpose.

RIT support is similar to that of an open source project. I did not realize
that previously, so I was mailing them directly expecting quality e-mail
support, when I should have been asking the devout users on these lists.

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