Julian Beach (Lists) wrote:

> This problem rings a bell, but I cannot remember the details.

I think I raised it on this list about a year ago, before I got the

> I am
> pretty sure that the problem is not with TB! however - I think that
> the problem will be with your router, possibly with any firewall
> settings you have in it, or in any software firewall you have.

I've recently installed Zone Alarm, but the problem existed even
before that.

> You say that you can send messages with Netscape?  Is this the same
> message and attachment, with the router, using the same provider?

I have no problem with the router, only with the modem. I've made some
more tests since posting the first message, and the connection is
terminated whenever I send any attachment (except a very small one)
using the Bat! and the modem, with any provider, including the one I
use with the router.

If I send the same attachment with the modem using Netscape, I have no
trouble at all. IIRC the problem started when I installed Win2000. My
provider thinks there must be some kind of restriction in The Bat!
which doesn't operate when I use the router.

> The other thing that causes a sudden disconnection of your internet
> connection is Blaster, of course, so it could be worth checking.

No, the problem started long before Msblast was invented, and anyway
my computer's clean and patched.

Thanks for the suggestions, anyway.



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