ST> Hello Allen,

ST> Monday, September 8, 2003, 7:55:05 PM, you wrote:

A>> I've  been  sitting  here all day trying to figure out how long ago it
A>> was that TB did NOT support multiple accounts . . .

ST> There was no such animal. First public Beta version produced in 1997
ST> already included support of multiple accounts - it was right from the
ST> first line of code :-))

That's  what  I'd thought, Stefan, glad to know I'm not going crazy in
my  thinking  so.   Multiple  account  support  was a big part of what
brought   me   TO  the  bad,  originally,  back  when  this  wasn't  a
common-place feature: and the templates totally sealed the deal.

Be well,

  | One of my poems chosen at random specifically for you:
  | Running The_Bat! version 2.00.6
  | Windows XP Service Pack 1 build 2600

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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