Hello Dave,

Thursday, September 11, 2003, 1:08:47 AM, you wrote:

JD>>> Now as I'm viewing TB! at 1600x1200 an unwrapped
JD>>> mail line is very long. Is it possible to set the viewer to force
JD>>> the mail to wrap at 80 columns?

>> Oh how I wish for that feature. :)

DG> Hear, hear!  :)

Stefan,  that's three people who'd like this feature. Should we make a
formal request?

Jamie Dainton

Leaders of the world's richest nations meet in Cancun on September
10th 2003. Oxfam is presenting them with a petition to make trade 
fair. Be sure your voice is heard. Sign the 'Big Noise' petition to
make trade fair at: http://www.maketradefair.com/go/join/?p=omf1 

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