Hello Sean,

CL>> Using The Bat! v2.00.6 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
CL>> Service Pack 1

SH> ...I promptly stopped using IMAP in TB! after 3 or 4 freezes, so I
SH> can't offer a specific diagnosis of what causes it, but the
SH> problem certainly isn't unique to Christopher. I hope the
SH> developers are aware of this.

The last day or so has been fine now. But then this has happened
before, it's fine for a bit, and then it goes back to freezing. If it
froze all the time, I wouldn't bother, since the one IMAP account I
have is for work. But it's stringing me along just enough to keep my
hopes up.

Best Regards, °
Chris          °

Christopher A. LaFond
Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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