I  use  the  Quick  Search  toolbar  quite a bit on an every day basis
trying  to  find  this or that message -- which works fine when I'm in
the main TB window. But I have only my message list in that window, no
preview  pane, and actually read my mail in a separate window. I often
find  myself  wishing that I could display the Quick Search toolbar in
the  'view  folder' window, as well, but as near as I can tell this is
not possible . . . would love to see it as a new feature.

Also, when in the main client window moving to the next unread message
(  ctrl  +  alt  +  ->  )  if there are no more unread messages in the
current folder it will move on to the next folder with unread messages
within.  In  the folder view, however, such is not the case and I must
manually  move  on to the next folder. I'd like to, at least, have the
option  have  folder  view behave similarly, allowing me to seamlessly
move from folder to folder chasing unread messages.

I didn't want to send these to the wish list if no one else would find
them useful, so . . . any feedback?

  | Peace, Be well
  |   Allen
  | http://jarday.com | http://theprawn.com
  | Running The_Bat! version 2.00.6
  | with Anti-Spam Plugin BayesIt! 0.4fm
  | Windows XP Service Pack 1 build 2600

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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